Yaniel Garcia

School: New Heights Academy Charter SchoolI put myself to the task of any type of visual and photographic art as long as I can clearly tell the story I am trying to portray. I create both traditional and nontraditional portrait photography and visual art. In my photographs, I portray people in action. I like when my subject doesn’t look at the camera. It makes it seem like I wasn't even there, like it's just a moment in time. I make my art to express myself in a louder, more carefree voice. My past inspires me: from my personal choices to the histories of Afro-Latino, Latino, and Black people. I like to reminisce on our past, learn, and tell my people’s untold stories with a photograph. I feel like my generation is making history, yet Black, Latinx, and Afro-Latino stories are being swept under the rug. I photograph Manhattan and the Bronx because there is so much history in the streets, good and bad. I hope to inspire the next generation to do the same.  

Behind tinted windows, 2023
Far apart, 2023