Jasmine Harris

Age: 15 Bronxdale High SchoolHome is where you know where the spare blankets are, where you open the fridge and know exactly where the ice cream is. Home, to me, can also be draining. Seeing the same walls, the same pictures, the same furniture can be like running through a perpetual maze. Through photography, I try to discover what it really means to be home, beyond the physical awareness of the walls you see and the voices you hear. I enjoy making art that illustrates the different feelings and auras of the space one might call home in its natural state. Some of my inspirations are Carrie Mae Weems, LaToya Ruby Frazer, and Deana Lawson. I am intrigued and inspired by these three artists the most because of the way they create photographs that challenge what home and living space can mean. Furthermore, they manage to keep the rawness of the environment, which allows the viewer to connect with the image in their own way. I appreciate and strive to create artwork that inspires my viewers in ways similar to how their work has inspired me.
Human Connection, 2021
Newfound Life, 2021